Hey There!

For some reason you’re visiting my website. I started this so I can write about things on my mind and house different projects I’ve been working on for quite some time. I want to be able to look back at the journey someday and connect the dots. You can’t connect them looking forward, afterall!

What’s been going on


A lot of my work in the PROJECTS section.

I like documenting things for future me. All the side hustles, attempts at business and any little fun project lives here.

🎉 P.S. If you want somebody that gets things done, email me and let’s chat!

*Perpetual Rocky Cut Scene*

A log book of my TRAINING history that I’ve kept personally since 2018 when I got Rhabdomyolysis.

basically, my muscles exploded when I was 18. Yes, it did hurt. No, I don’t wish it never happened.

This is not NARCISSISM


Basically my life philosophy through the words of people more wise than myself. Favorite quotes and fun frameworks I’ve learned.